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2021-2022 College Policy Debate Resolution Selected

The Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA) has announced the 2021-2022 college policy debate resolution. MSU Debaters competing at college policy debate tournaments this academic year with be debating about antitrust.

Antitrust was chosen as the topic area in May beating out climate, labor rights, economic inequality, and transportation infrastructure.

This week, the specific wording for the topic was chosen by CEDA member schools. The winning resolution reads: “Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase prohibitions on anticompetitive business practices by the private sector by at least expanding the scope of its core antitrust laws.”

According to the authors of the antitrust topic paper, this topic will faciliate timely debates as the Biden administration and others call for more antitrust enforcement in the technology sector.

Antirust has important intersections with broader questions about innovation, inequality, capitalism, and the appropriate role of government that students will debate over the course of the year.

MSU Debate begins its competitive season in September but students will return to campus early to begin preparing before classes start.

2021-2022 Resolution Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase prohibitions on anticompetitive business practices by the private sector by at least expanding the scope of its core antitrust laws.

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